Stellium Light

Tuesday 23 September 2014

New Moon at 1 degree of Libra!

The Sun and the Moon join together approximately every 28 days. This Wednesday 24SEP14 at 16:13 Sydney - Australia time, a new cycle of the moon will start at 1 degree 08 minutes of the harmonious sign of Libra, offering us the opportunity to plant our intentions to boost our social life; incorporate diplomacy, tact and harmony when negotiating agreements and contracts; and be more aware about sharing in relationships, balancing our needs and those of others to benefit from each other.

Mercury is still transiting the sign of Libra influencing our thinking and communication to find ways to share our ideas while respecting the ideas of others.

Venus is the ruler planet of this New Moon. Venus in the sign of Libra is associated with the Aesthetics defined as the process of reflection from our sensory contemplation and appreciation of beauty. Libra is a sign categorised under the Air element that involves a process of analysis to relate our ideas not only with our partner but with anyone who we somehow maintain a face to face connection.  We contribute to them and accept them in equal measure to get mutual benefits.

Venus is currently transiting through the sign of Virgo in the New Moon in Libra, indicating to us the importance of taking note of small details when we deal with people. Venus is still in a harmonious angle with Saturn in Scorpio. Their harmony shows us the need for commitment, hard work, loyalty and responsibility when we relate to establish long-term deep ties.

The Sun and the Moon will also join under the fiery harmony formed by Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. Jupiter is the planet associated with abundance, growth and confidence and Uranus is associated with changes using our original ideas to progress. Both in harmony offer us the opportunity to enjoy new experiences that make us feel alive. Mars is also transiting a fire sign - Sagittarius, influencing us in making decisions that allow us to give meaning to our lives.
We all should connect with our intuition under this New Moon in Libra on Wednesday afternoon with a team work attitude and plant our intentions to develop the art of love, to live in peace and harmony guided by our beautiful feelings.

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