Stellium Light

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Astrology July 13th – 18th 2014. Jupiter begins its transit through the creative sign of Leo motivating us to grow through our self-expression until August 2015. Mercury changes to the emotional sign of Cancer where it will remain until the first of August 2014 inviting us to conect our thoughts to our feelings....

Mercury now transiting through the emotive sign of Cancer invites us to connect our thinking with our feelings. Cancer is the sign that is associated with protection and caring. For this reason we should take care of our ideas defending those that give us emotional security during the rest of the month.

The Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Cancer will be forming a harmonious angle on the night of July 16, 2014, when the largest planet of our solar system "Jupiter" changes to the creative sign of Leo.

Jupiter transits each zodiacal sign for a period of approximately a year until it completes its cycle of 12 years. From now until August 11th, 2015 Jupiter will be in the sign of Leo, driving our growth through creativity and entertainment. The arts, fashion, design, theater and all activities related to children and the expression of human beings including romance and drama will have the opportunity to develop at a collective level.

On a personal level, we all have the area of Leo in our chart * and if we have planets positioned in this area we can benefit even more by taking the opportunity offered by the planet of expansion and abundance. However, the energy of Jupiter also has its negative side which is excesses. For this reason, we must express our creative skills humbly and without ostentation to get applause (energy that the sign Leo seeks). In astrology, Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun which has to shine as a vital and natural function and, Jupiter under this energy influences us to express our faith in life through drama. But we need to take care of the amount of drama that we include in our lives...

Jupiter is associated with the word "Believe" and the sign of Leo is the "individual expression" of this. For this reason, Jupiter in Leo gives us the opportunity to believe in our inner child releasing our creativity. But, most importantly it gives meaning to our expression in order to feel happy and make others happy as well. Jupiter symbolizes the "Divine Mind" that is intimately connected to every part of the Universe; therefore, we must cultivate generosity of spirit which is the most beautiful virtue represented by Jupiter encouraging us to grow our soul.

We must not miss the opportunity Jupiter in Leo brings us of following an ideal that motivates us to give our best taking it to new horizons.

If you want to deepen your personal development through Astrology, Stellium Light offers a personalised analysis of your *birth chart through the study of the planets at the time, date and place of birth, to orient in the development of your potential and talents, as well as guide you in creating harmonious spaces through color and decorations that will allow you to balance your energies to bet your best. There is a special promotion for children charts. Visit the website to review our services and promotions. Also you can follow us  on Facebook LIKE

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